
Showing posts from April, 2022

Asias Role In The Four Industrial Revolutions

Russia is the largest country in Asia, despite the fact that a full 25% of Russia's 17,098,250 square kilometers of territory is located in Europe . China comes in second in Asia, with a total area of approximately 9,600,010 km². Finally, the dividing lines between continents are sometimes ambiguous, especially at sea. The island country of Cyprus, for example, is considered by the United Nations to be part of Asia, but it is also a member of the European Union. Similarly, many islands of Oceania could arguably be considered part of Asia, Australia/Australasia, or even South America. Even land boundaries, such as the dividing line between Europe and Asia, have changed throughout history. Gender And Development: Labor Force Participation In 2020 The largest of the Asian countries by area is Russia, which occupies about 30% of the total territory of the continent. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically increased food insecurity in some of the poorest and most vuln